Learn about Dialogue Views, which present dialogue content to the user.
A Dialogue View is a kind of component that receives content from a Dialogue Runner, and presents it to the player. Dialogue Views are how the player sees your game's lines of dialogue, and how they select choices in the dialogue.
A Dialogue Runner can have multiple Dialogue Views. For example, you might have one Dialogue View that's designed to display lines of dialogue, and another that's in charge of displaying options to the player.
Because every game's needs are different, a Dialogue View is designed to be extremely customisable. However, because there are common patterns of how games work with dialogue, Yarn Spinner for Unity comes with some pre-built Dialogue Views that handle common use cases.
This section discusses the pre-built Dialogue Views:
Line View is a Dialogue View that displays a single line of dialogue in a text box that's inside a canvas, and shows a button that the user can click to proceed.
Option List View is a Dialogue View that displays a collection of options in a list.
Learn about Line View, a Dialogue View that displays a single line of dialogue on a Canvas.
Line View is a Dialogue View that displays a single line of dialogue inside a Unity UI canvas. When the Dialogue Runner encounters a line in your Yarn Script, the Line View will display it, wait for the user to indicate they're done reading it, and then dismiss it.
Line View only displays lines, and doesn't display options. You can use an additional Dialogue View to handle these, like an Options List View or a custom Dialogue View of your own.
If a line contains a character's name at the start, Line View can be configured to show the name in a separate text view to the line text itself. If the Character Name Text property is connected to a TextMeshPro Text object, then the character's name will appear in this object.
If you don't attach a Text object to the Character Name Text property, you can choose to either show the character name as part of the line (that is, in the Line Text view), or don't show it all.
Line View can be configured to use visual effects when presenting lines.
You can choose to have the Line View fade in when a line appears, and fade out when the line is dismissed.
You can choose to have the text of the line appear, one letter at a time, with a "typewriter" effect.
You can control how the player can decide to proceed to the next line.
You can set up a Button, or any other Unity UI control, to call the OnContinueClicked method on this line.
You can also make the Line View continue to the next line when the user performs some input:
If you set the Continue Action Type to Key Code, you can select a key on the keyboard that will continue to the next line on press.
If you set the Continue Action Type to Input Action, you can create an Action from an input device (such as from a keyboard, gamepad, or other method).
If you set the Continue action Type to Input Action from Asset, you can attach an Action from an Input Actions asset that you've set up elsewhere.
If you want to use Input Actions, your project will need to be set up to use the new Unity Input System.
Canvas Group
The Canvas Group that the Line View will control. The Canvas Group will be made active when the Line View is displaying a line, and inactive when not displaying a line.
Line Text
A TextMeshPro Text object that the text of the line will be displayed in.
Use Fade Effect
If this is turned on, the Line View will fade the opacity of the Canvas Group from 0% to 100% opacity when lines appear, and fade back to 0% when lines are dismissed.
Fade In Time
The duration of the Fade effect when fading a new line in, in seconds. If this is zero, the line will appear immediately.
Fade Out Time
The duration of the Fade effect when fading a line out, in seconds. If this is zero, the line will disappear immediately.
Use Typewriter Effect
If this is turned on, the text of the line will appear one character at a time. This will take place after the Fade effect, if enabled.
On Character Typed
A Unity Event that's called every time the Typewriter effect displays new text.
Typewriter Effect Speed
The number of characters per second to display when performing a Typewrite effect. Larger values means that text will appear faster.
Character Name Text
A TextMeshPro Text object that will display the name of the character currently speaking the line.
Show Character Name In Line View
If this is turned on, lines that contain a character's name will display the name in the Line Text section. If it is turned off, character names will not be shown at all. This option is only available when Character Name Text is empty.
Continue Action Type
A drop-down list that selects how user input will be used to continue to the next line.
When set to None, the dialogue will not continue based on user input.
When set to Key Code, the dialogue will continue when the user presses the keyboard key specified in Continue Action Key Code.
When set to Input System Action, the dialogue will continue when the user performs the Action set up in Continue Action.
When set to Input System Action from Asset, the dialogue will continue when the user performs the Action specified by the Continue Action Reference field.
Continue Action Key Code
The keyboard key that the user should press to continue to the next line.
Continue Action
An Input Action that the user should perform to continue to the next line.
Continue Action Reference
An Input Action, stored inside an Input Actions asset, that the user should perform to continue to the next line.
Continue Button
A game object that will be made active when the line has finished appearing. This is intended to be used for controlling the appearance of a button that the user can interact with to continue to the next line.
Learn about Options View, a component used to display an option in an Options List View.
An Option View is an object that the Options List View uses when presenting options. When the Dialogue Runner delivers options to your game, Options List View will create an Option View for each option that could be selected.
When the Option View is pressed, the Options List View will notify the Dialogue Runner of the user's selection.
A TextMeshPro text object that will display the text of the line.
Show Character Name
If this is turned on, the Text component will show any character name present in the option. If this is turned off, the character name will not be included.
Learn about Options List View, a Dialogue View that displays a list dialogue options.
Options List View is a that presents a list of options in a list.
When this view receives options from the Dialogue Runner, it creates an instance of the prefab you specify in the Option View Prefab property, and adds it as a child of the options list view.
Options List View only displays options, and doesn't display lines. You can use an additional Dialogue View to handle these, like a or a custom Dialogue View of your own.
Canvas Group
The Canvas Group that the Options List View will control. The Canvas Group will be made active when the Options List View is displaying options, and inactive when not displaying options.
Option View Prefab
A prefab containing an Option View. The Options List View will create an instance of this prefab for each option that needs to be displayed.
Last Line Text
A TextMeshPro Text object that will display the text of the last line that appeared before options appeared. If this is not set, or no line has run before options are shown, then this property will not be used.
Fade Time
The time, in seconds, that the Options List View will take to fade in. If this is zero, the Options List View will appear immediately.
Show Unavailable Options
If this is turned on, then any options whose line condition has failed will still appear to the user, but they won't be selectable. If this is off, then these options will not appear at all.
Learn about the Dialogue Runner, which runs the contents of your Yarn Scripts and delivers lines, options and commands to your game.
The Dialogue Runner is the bridge between the dialogue that you've written in your Yarn scripts and the other components of your game. It's a component that's responsible for loading, running and managing the contents of a Yarn Project, and for delivering the content of your Yarn scripts to the other parts of your game, such as your user interface.
Setting up a Dialogue Runner is the first step in adding dialogue to your game. To use a Dialogue Runner, you add it to a game object in your scene, connect it to Dialogue Views, and provide it with a Yarn Project to run.
When you want to start running the dialogue in your game, you call the Dialogue Runner's StartDialogue method. When you do this, the Dialogue Runner will begin delivering lines, options and commands to its Dialogue Views.
The Dialogue Runner is designed to work with other components of Yarn Spinner for Unity:
The contents of your dialogue are delivered to your Dialogue Views.
The values of variables are stored and retrieved using the Dialogue Runner's Variable Storage.
The content that users should see - that is, the text in their current language, voice over clips, and other asset - are retrieved using the Dialogue Runner's Line Provider.
The bare-bones minimum that a Dialogue Runner needs in order to work is a Yarn Project and at least one Dialogue View. If you don't set up a Variable Storage or a Line Provider, the Dialogue Runner will use temporary placeholders.
Yarn Project
Variable Storage
Line Provider
Dialogue Views
Start Automatically
Start Node
If Start Automatically is turned on, the Dialogue Runner will start running this node when the scene starts. (If your Yarn Project does not contain a node with this name, an error will be reported.)
Automatically Continue Lines
Run Selected Options as Lines
If this is turned on, when the user chooses an option, the Dialogue Runner will run the selected option as if it were a Line.
Verbose Logging
If this is turned on, the Dialogue Runner will log information about the state of each line to the Console as it's run.
On Node Start
A Unity Event that's fired when the Dialogue Runner begins running a new node. This may be fired multiple times during a dialogue run.
On Node Complete
A Unity Event that's fired when the Dialogue Runner reaches the end of a node. This may be fired multiple times during a dialogue run.
On Dialogue Complete
A Unity Event that's fired when the Dialogue Runner stops running dialogue.
On Command
The that this Dialogue Runner is running.
The to store and retrieve variable data from. If you do not set this, the Dialogue Runner will create an for you at runtime.
The to use to get user-facing content for each line. If you do not set this, the Dialogue Runner will create a for you at runtime.
The to send lines, options and commands to.
If this is turned on, the Dialogue Runner will start running the node named Start Node when the scene starts. If this is not turned on, you will need to call to start running.
If this is turned on, lines will automatically continue as soon as all Dialogue Views have finished presenting them. If this is turned off, the Dialogue Runner will wait for a Dialogue View to call to continue.
A Unity Event that's fired when a Command is encountered. This will only be called if no other part of the system has already handled the command, such as command handlers registered via or .
Learn about the Unity components that you use when working with Yarn Spinner for Unity.
Yarn Spinner for Unity is made up of a number of components. The most important of these are the Dialogue Runner, which loads and runs your scripts, and the Dialogue Views that show content to your player.
In this section, you'll learn about how to work with each of these.
The In-Memory Variable Storage component is a Variable Storage component that stores all variables in memory. These variables are erased when the game stops.
The In-Memory Variable Storage component is intended to be a useful tool for getting started, and to be replaced with a custom variable storage that meets your game's needs.
However, if your game has no need to save and restore game state, then this class can be used in your final game, too.
Debug Text View
A Unity UI Text object that will display a summary of the variables that have been stored in this component. If this is not set, this property will not be used.
You can use this property to display a debug summary of your variables at run-time in your games.
Debug Variables
This area of the Inspector shows a summary of the variables. This works similarly to the Debug Text View property, but the summary is only ever shown in the Editor, and it doesn't require any setup.
Every game's data storage requirements are different. For this reason, Yarn Spinner is designed to make it straightforward to create your own custom component for managing how Yarn scripts store and load variables in ways that work with the other parts of your game.
Custom Variable Storage components are subclasses of the abstract class VariableStorageBehaviour
. To implement your own, you need to implement the following methods:
Variable Storage components are responsible for storing and retrieving the values of variables in your Yarn scripts. When a Yarn script needs to get the value of a variable, it asks the Variable Storage for it; when a Yarn script sets the value of a variable, the Variable Storage is given the value.
Each game has different requirements for how variables are stored, which means that Yarn Spinner doesn't make any assumptions how the information is actually stored on disk. Instead, you can create your own custom Variable Storage script that implements the methods that Yarn Spinner needs.
If you don't have a game save system, you can use the In-Memory Variable Storage component. This is a simple Variable Storage component that's built into Yarn Spinner.
The In-Memory Variable Storage stores everything in memory; when the game ends, all variables that have been stored are erased.
If you don't connect a Variable Storage to your Dialogue Runner, it will create an In-Memory Variable Storage when the game starts, and use that.
Line Providers are components that are responsible for taking the Line objects that the Dialogue Runner produces, and fetches the appropriate localised content for that line. Line Providers produce LocalizedLine objects, which are sent to the Dialogue Runner's Dialogue Views.
When a Yarn script runs, the Dialogue Runne produces Line objects. These objects contain information about the line, but not the text of the line itself. This is because it's the responsibility of the game to load the user-facing parts of the line, including the text of the line in the player's current language setting, as well as any other assets that may be needed to present the line (such as audio files for voiceover.)
Yarn Spinner comes with two built-in types of line providers:
Text Line Provider is a Line Provider that fetches the text of a line, given a language to use.
Audio Line Provider is a Line Provider that fetches the text of a line as well as an Audio Clip, given languages to use.
If you don't set up a Line Provider for a Dialogue Runner, it will automatically create a Text Line Provider, and configure it to use the user's current language.
Audio Line Provider is a Line Provider that fetches localized text for a line of dialogue, as well as a localized AudioClip.
Audio Line Provider will automatically use Addressable Assets, if the Addressables package is installed in your Unity project and
Text Language Code
The language that the Audio Line Provider should use to fetch localised text for.
Audio Language
The language that the Audio Line Provider should use to fetch localised audio clips for.