Contains classes for upgrading Yarn code to more recent versions of the language.
Contains methods for upgrading the syntax of Yarn scripts.
Specifies what kind of language upgrading should be applied.
Contains information describing a replacement to make in a string.
Class in Yarn.Compiler.Upgrader
Inherits from System.Object
Contains methods for upgrading the syntax of Yarn scripts.
Upgrades a Yarn script from one version of the language to another, producing both the fully upgraded text as well as a collection of replacements.
Method in LanguageUpgrader
Upgrades a Yarn script from one version of the language to another, producing both the fully upgraded text as well as a collection of replacements.
Yarn.Compiler.Upgrader.UpgradeJob upgradeJob
The upgrade job to perform.
An UpgradeResult object containing the results of the upgrade operation.
Struct in Yarn.Compiler.Upgrader
Inherits from System.ValueType
Contains information describing a replacement to make in a string.
A descriptive comment explaining why the substitution is necessary.
The string to expect at Start in the original string.
The string to replace OriginalText with at Start .
The position in the original string where the substitution should be made.
The line in the original string where the substitution should be made.
Gets the length of OriginalText .
Gets the length of ReplacementLength .
Field in TextReplacement
The position in the original string where the substitution should be made.
Field in TextReplacement
The line in the original string where the substitution should be made.
Struct in Yarn.Compiler.Upgrader
Inherits from System.ValueType
Constructor in UpgradeJob
Yarn.Compiler.Upgrader.UpgradeType upgradeType
Struct in Yarn.Compiler.Upgrader
Inherits from System.ValueType
Gets a collection containing all Diagnostic objects across all of the files in Files .
Property in UpgradeResult
Gets a collection containing all Diagnostic objects across all of the files in Files .
Struct in UpgradeResult
Inherits from System.ValueType
Indicates whether this OutputFile represents a new file to be created. If this is true
, OriginalSource will be the empty string, and Replacements will be empty.
Field in OutputFile
Indicates whether this OutputFile represents a new file to be created. If this is true
, OriginalSource will be the empty string, and Replacements will be empty.
Enum in Yarn.Compiler.Upgrader
Inherits from System.Enum
Specifies what kind of language upgrading should be applied.
Indicates an upgrade from Yarn Spinner 1.0 syntax to Yarn Spinner 2.0 syntax.
Enumeration Member in UpgradeType
Indicates an upgrade from Yarn Spinner 1.0 syntax to Yarn Spinner 2.0 syntax.