Class in Yarn.Compiler
Inherits from System.Object
Contains methods for parsing structured commands.
Parses the given source string into a structured command.
Represents the result of a parse operation containing both the parsed context and diagnostics.
Property in ParseResult
Gets a value indicating whether the parse result is valid (that is, it contains no parse errors.)
Method in StructuredCommandParser
Parses the given source string into a structured command.
The string containing the possible structured command text to be parsed.
A ParseResult object encapsulating the parsed context and any diagnostics.
Struct in StructuredCommandParser
Inherits from System.ValueType
Represents the result of a parse operation containing both the parsed context and diagnostics.
The parsed structured command context.
A collection of diagnostics produced during parsing.
Gets a value indicating whether the parse result is valid (that is, it contains no parse errors.)