How to credit Yarn Spinner

Learn how to use the Yarn Spinner brand in your game, and how to acknowledge your use of Yarn Spinner.

Thank you for using Yarn Spinner! This page contains information on how to use the Yarn Spinner name and logo in projects that make use of Yarn Spinner, or in media coverage of Yarn Spinner.

You can download the Yarn Spinner brand guidelines [here].

There are two parts to crediting Yarn Spinner: what you're required to do if you use Yarn Spinner, and, optionally, what we'd appreciate you doing.

What You're Required To Do

Yarn Spinner is provided to you under the terms of the MIT License. This means that if you use Yarn Spinner in a game, software, or any other work, you are required to include a copy of Yarn Spinner's license in that work.

You can find a copy of Yarn Spinner's license on GitHub. It's also included in the packaged versions of Yarn Spinner (such as via the Unity Package Manager.)

You can choose how you'd like to include a copy of this in your game, and there's no firm rules. We have some suggestions, though:

  • on a screen in your game, along with other software licenses

  • in a file that lists all licenses related to your game

  • in an accompanying PDF, or similar, electronic manual or documentation

Basically, as long as a copy of Yarn Spinner's version of the MIT license is distributed with your game, you're good to go.

What We'd Appreciate You Doing

In addition to including a copy of the Yarn Spinner's MIT license in your game, we'd very much appreciate it if you include Yarn Spinner in your game's credits, such as the initial splash screen, or in your end-game credits, or somewhere else of your chosing.

If you credit Yarn Spinner, you can use the logo, a text credit, or both.

If you use a text credit, we suggest the following:

Dialogue powered by Yarn Spinner, by Secret Lab and friends.

You can reword this however you'd like, but we'd prefer if you kept the terms 'Yarn Spinner', 'Secret Lab', and the link to the website.

Yarn Spinner® is a trademark of Secret Lab Pty Ltd in Australia. For the purposes of crediting Yarn Spinner, acknowleding that you're using Yarn Spinner, or discussing, teaching, or tutorialising Yarn Spinner and other simlar uses, you are permitted to use the Yarn Spinner trademark and logo on packaging, promotional/advertising materials, splash screens, in publications, seminars, conference talks, and web sites.

When doing so, you should do your best adhere to the following general guidelines:

  1. The Yarn Spinner trademark cannot be part of a product name (e.g. "Big Talk for Yarn Spinner") unless we have given you explicit and specific permission (just email us, we're friendly);

  2. The Yarn Spinner trademark should be used in a referential manner or alongside a referential phrase (e.g. "SimOptometrist is built with Yarn Spinner", "Aunty Edna's Grand Adventure uses Yarn Spinner", "Big Talk is compatible with Yarn Spinner", "Bobby Yarner teaches Yarn Spinner ", "Learn Yarn Spinner with Dr Eyeballs");

  3. The game, or project that you're including the Yarn Spinner trademark must, in fact, work with, use, or relate to Yarn Spinner in some way;

  4. The use of the Yarn Spinner trademark cannot imply endorsement, sponsorhip, or an inaccurate representation of the relationship between you, your game/project, and the Yarn Spinner project, team, or Secret Lab Pty Ltd;

  5. The use of the Yarn Spinner trademark should not show Yarn Spinner, the Yarn Spinner team, Secret Lab Pty Ltd, or any related group or entity in an false or derogatory manner.

If you have any questons on this, ask the Yarn Spinner team in the Discord, tweet at us, or email us.

Using the Yarn Spinner brand

When you use the Yarn Spinner trademark, logo, or brand to credit Yarn Spinner in your game (or other work), you should try your best to conform your use to our brand guidelines.

You may not edit, modify, distort, recolour, or change the Yarn Spinner logo.

You can download the Yarn Spinner logo, in a variety of formats, here.

Last updated

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