Dialogue Advance Input
Learn about Dialogue Advance Input, a component that can signal to a Dialogue View that the user wants to proceed to the next piece of content.
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Learn about Dialogue Advance Input, a component that can signal to a Dialogue View that the user wants to proceed to the next piece of content.
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Dialogue Advance Input is a component that receives user input, and uses it to signal to a Dialogue View that the user wants to advance to the next piece of content. Dialogue Advance Input is generally used to implement a 'press spacebar to continue / skip' mechanic.
Dialogue Advance Input isn't a Line View itself, but it's designed to work with other line views, to interrupt and control the flow of dialogue.
To use a Dialogue Advance Input, create a new game object, and attach a Dialogue Advance Input component to it using the Add Component button.
You can control what specific input the component is looking for by changing the Continue Action Type setting:
If you set the Continue Action Type to Key Code, you can select a key on the keyboard that will continue to the next line on press.
If you set the Continue Action Type to Input Action, you can create an Action from an input device (such as from a keyboard, gamepad, or other method).
If you set the Continue action Type to Input Action from Asset, you can attach an Action from an Input Actions asset that you've set up elsewhere.
If you want to use Input Actions, your project will need to be set up to use the new Unity Input System.
Dialogue View
The that will be signalled when the user performs the continue action.
Continue Action Type
A drop-down list that selects how user input will be used to continue to the next line.
When set to None, the dialogue will not continue based on user input.
When set to Key Code, the dialogue will continue when the user presses the keyboard key specified in Continue Action Key Code.
When set to Input System Action, the dialogue will continue when the user performs the Action set up in Continue Action.
When set to Input System Action from Asset, the dialogue will continue when the user performs the Action specified by the Continue Action Reference field.
Continue Action Key Code
The keyboard key that the user should press to continue to the next line.
Continue Action
An Input Action that the user should perform to continue to the next line.
Continue Action Reference
An Input Action, stored inside an Input Actions asset, that the user should perform to continue to the next line.