Dialogue Wheel Examples

Dialogue Wheel for Yarn Spinner ships with two example scenes, showcasing the flexibiltiy of the Dialogue Wheel.

Automatic-Layout Dialogue Wheel Example

This example shows off the Automatic-Layout Dialogue Wheel, with an ever-increasing number of options being displayed. Once you've installed the package, find this example in Dialogue Wheel for Yarn Spinner/Examples/Automatic Layout Example.

Six-Segment Dialogue Wheel Example

This example shows the Six-Segment Dialogue Wheel in action, with a very simple third-person sci-fi game. Once you've installed the package, find this example in Dialogue Wheel for Yarn Spinner/Examples/Six-Segment Example.

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Yarn Spinner® and Secret Lab® are trade marks of Secret Lab Pty. Ltd., and are used by Yarn Spinner Pty. Ltd. under license.