
As mentioned in the chapter Functions, Yarn can access user-defined functions. A collection of functions is called a library and can be accessed through a DialogueRunner.

Function Registration

For an easy example, let's modify the code used in the Quick Start to provide a simple pow function to Yarn:

fn spawn_dialogue_runner(mut commands: Commands, project: Res<YarnProject>) {
    let mut dialogue_runner = project.create_dialogue_runner();
    // Add our custom function to the dialogue runner
    dialogue_runner.library_mut().add_function("pow", pow);

fn pow(base: f32, exponent: f32) -> f32 {

The following snippet is of special importance:

dialogue_runner.library_mut().add_function("pow", pow);

The first parameter of add_function() is the name of the function as seen by Yarn, "pow" in this case. The second parameter is the Rust function that will be called in the background. Here, we reference the function definition of fn pow(...), but you could also register a lambda.

This pow function can now be called from the Yarn file like this:

title: Start
Two to the power of three is {pow(2,3)}

Which will result in the following output:

Allowed Signatures

Custom functions need to follow some rules. Don't worry, they're pretty lax.

  • Their parameter and output types need to be primitive types or String

  • Parameters are allowed to be references

  • Parameters can have the special type YarnValue, which stands for any input type. Additionally, functions are assumed to have no side effects. You can read the full list of requirements in the docs for YarnFn.

Here are some examples of valid functions:

fn add(a: f32, b: f32) -> f32 {
    a + b

fn concat(a: &str, b: &str) -> String {

fn greet(name: &str, age: usize) -> String {
    format!("Hello {name}, you are {age} years old!")

fn format_anything(value: YarnValue) -> String {
    format!("Got the following value: {value}")

If you need functions that have side effects, e.g. for manipulating the game world, use custom commands instead.

Size constraints

Registered Rust functions can have a maximum of 16 parameters. If you need more, you can wrap parameters in tuples:

fn add((a, b): (f32, f32)) -> f32 {
    a + b

Tuples are treated as separate parameters when calling the function from Yarn:

title: Start
Two plus three is {add(2, 3)}

Since tuples can be nested, you can use have potentially infinite parameters.

Last updated

Yarn Spinner® and Secret Lab® are trade marks of Secret Lab Pty. Ltd., and are used by Yarn Spinner Pty. Ltd. under license.