
Markup allows you to add attributes into your text, like [a]hello[/a]. These attributes can be used by your game to do things like change the formatting of the text, add animations, and more.

When text is parsed, the tags are removed from the text, and you receive information about the range of the plain text that the attributes apply to.


Attributes apply to ranges of text:

Oh, [wave]hello[/wave] there!

Yarn Spinner will take this text, and produce two things: the plain text, and a collection of attributes. The plain text is the text without any markers; in this example it will be:

Oh, hello there!

Attributes represent ranges of the plain text that have additional information. They contain a position, a length, and their name, as well as their properties.

In this example, a single attribute will be generated, with a position of 4, a length of 5, and a name of "wave".

Attributes are opened like [this], and closed like [/this].

Overlapping Attributes

Attributes can overlap:

You can put multiple attributes inside each other. For example:

Oh, [wave]hello [bounce]there![/bounce][/wave]

You can close an attribute in any order you like. For example, this has the same meaning as the previous example:

Oh, [wave]hello [bounce]there![/wave][/bounce]

Self-closing Attributes

Attributes can self-close:


A self-closing attribute has a length of zero.

The Close-All Marker

The marker [/] is the close-all marker. It closes all currently open attributes. For example:



Attributes can have properties:

[wave size=2]Wavy![/wave]

This attribute 'wave' has a property called 'size', which has an integer value of 2.

Short-hand Properties

Attributes can have short-hand properies, like so:


This is the same as saying this:

[wave wave=2]Wavy![/wave]

This attribute 'wave' has a property called 'wave', which has an integer value of 2. The name of the attribute is taken from the first property.

Property Types

Properties can be any of the following types:

  • Integers

  • Floats

  • 'true' or 'false'

  • Strings

Single words without quote marks are parsed as strings. For example, the two following lines are identical:


Whitespace Trimming

If a self-closing attribute has white-space before it, or it's at the start of the line, then it will trim a single whitespace after it. This means that the following text produces a plain text of "A B":

A [wave/] B

Showing Special Characters to the Player

You may want to show text containing the [ and ] characters to your player. To prevent the markup parser from treating as special characters, you can escape them. Text that has been escaped will be treated as plain text, and will not be interpreted by the parser.

There are two ways to escape your markup: escaping single characters, and using the nomarkup attribute.

Escaping single [ and ] characters

If you need to escape a single square bracket character, put a backslash \ in front of it:

Here's some square brackets, just for you: \[ \]

This will appear to the player as:

Here's some square brackets, just for you: [ ]

The backslash will not appear in the text.

The nomarkup Attribute

If you want to escape a longer run of text, or if you have many square brackets, escaping a single character at a time can be cumbersome. In these cases, you may want to escape an entire region of text, using the nomarkup attribute. This attribute makes the parser ignore any markup characters inside it.

If you want to include characters like [ and ], wrap them in the nomarkup attribute:

[nomarkup]Here's a big ol' [ bunch of ] characters, filled [[]] with square [[] brackets![/nomarkup]

This will appear as:

Here's a big ol' [ bunch of ] characters, filled [[]] with square [[] brackets!

The character Attribute

The character attribute is used to mark the part of the line that identifies the character that's speaking.

Yarn Spinner will attempt to add this character for you, by looking for character names in lines that look like this:

CharacterA: Hello!
CharacterB: Oh, hi!

The markup parser will mark everything from the start of the line up to the first : (and any trailing whitespace after it) with the character attribute. This attribute has a property, name, which contains the text from the start of the line up to the :. If a : isn't present, or a character attribute has been added in markup, it won't be added.

This means that the example above is treated the same as this:

[character name="CharacterA"]CharacterA: [/character]Hello!
[character name="CharacterB"]CharacterB: [/character]Oh hi!

You can use this to trim out the character names from lines in your game.

Text Replacement Markers

Certain attributes in Yarn Spinner's markup are "replacement" markers, which Yarn Spinner uses to insert or replace text based on the value of a variable. There are three built-in replacement markers:

  • The select marker uses the value of a variable to choose an outcome.

  • The plural marker uses the value of a number to decide on the plural class for that number.

  • The ordinal marker uses the value of a number to decide on the ordinal class for that number.

All three of these markers have a property called value, and use this to decide what text should be used in the line.


The select marker is the simplest of the built-in replacement markers. It takes the value of the value property, and uses that to choose a replacement.

It's especially useful for when you need to insert a gendered pronoun in a line:

// In this example, the $gender variable is a string that
// contains either "m", "f", or "nb".

I think [select value={$gender} m="he" f="she" nb="they" /] will be there!

// Depending on the value of $gender, this line can appear
// as one of these possible options:
I think he will be there!

// or:
I think she will be there!

// or:
I think they will be there!

plural and ordinal

The plural and ordinal markers take a number in its value property, and use that to determine the plural or ordinal number class of that value.

Plurals across different languages

Different languages have different rules for how numbers are pluralised.

In many languages, the term you use to refer to a thing depends on the the number of that thing. This is known as a plural class: in English, you can have one apple, but many apples, and you have have one mouse, but many mice.

However, the rules vary significantly across different languages. English has two: "single", and "other". However, for example, Polish has multiple.

  • In English, you say "one apple, two apples, five apples".

  • In Polish, you say "jedno jabล‚ko, dwa jabล‚ka, piฤ™ฤ‡ jabล‚ek".

Notice how the Polish word for "apple", "jabล‚ko", takes multiple forms as the number changes, whereas it takes two forms in English.

In Yarn Spinner, individual lines are replaced depending on the user's locale, but the logic surround them is not. This means that, if you want to be able to translate your game into multiple languages, you can't write Yarn code like this:

<<if $apple_count == 1>>
    You have one apple!
    You have {$apple_count} apples!

If you did it this way, the logic would only work for languages that have the same rules for plurals as English. (There are several of them that do, but far more that don't.)

Complicating this further, there are two main kinds of plural classes: cardinal plural classes, and ordinal plural classes.

  • Cardinal plural classes are the kind we just saw (for example, "one apple, two apples").

  • Ordinal plural classes refer to the positioning of a thing; in English, ordinal numbers are things like "1st, 2nd, 3rd."

As with cardinal plural classes, different languages have different ordinal plural classes.

Pluralising with plural and ordinal

Yarn Spinner is able to take a number and the user's current locale, and determine the correct cardinal or ordinal plural class of that number, for that locale. You can then use the plural class to decide on what text to show.

plural and ordinal have a property called value, just like select. They then have a property for each of the current locale's plural classes. These can be:

  • one

  • two

  • few

  • many

  • other

The two markers differ based on what kind of plural class they work with:

  • plural selects a number's cardinal plural class.

  • ordinal selects a number's ordinal plural class.

Not every language uses every category; for example, English only uses "one" and "other" for cardinal plural classes.

For each of these properties, you provide the text that should appear.

For example:

PieMaker: Hey, look! [plural value={$pie_count} one="A pie" other="Some pies" /]!

// This will appear as either:
PieMaker: Hey, look! A pie!

// or: 
PieMaker: Hey, look! Some pies!

You can include the actual value in the resulting text by using the % character. This character will be replaced with the value provided to the value property:

PieMaker: I just baked [plural value={$pie_count} one="a pie" other="% pies" /]!

// This will appear as, for example:
PieMaker: I just baked a pie!"

// or:
PieMaker: I just baked 4 pies!"

The ordinal marker works similarly, but uses the ordinal plural class:

Runner: The race is over! I came in [ordinal value={$race_position} one="%st" two="%nd" few="%rd" other="%th" /] place!

// This will appear as, for example:
Runner: The race is over! I came in 1st place!

// or:
Runner: The race is over! I came in 23rd place!

Last updated

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