Node Groups

Learn about using node groups, which allow Yarn Spinner to choose which content to run, depending on conditions.

In Yarn Spinner 3, you can now create node groups. A node group is collection of nodes that share the same name that Yarn Spinner will choose from.

To create a node group, you create multiple nodes that all share the same name, and ensure that each of the nodes have at least one when: header.

The when:header tells Yarn Spinner about the conditions that must be met in order to run the node:

title: Guard

Guard: You there, traveller!
Player: Who, me?
Guard: Yes! Stay off the roads after dark!
title: Guard

Guard: I hear the king has a new advisor.
title: Guard

Guard: No weapons allowed in the city!

Node groups are combined into a single node that performs the appropriate checks and then runs one of the node groupโ€™s members. You start dialogue with a node group using its name. You can also use the jump or detour statements to run a node group from somewhere else in your Yarn scripts.

Node groups are similar to line groups in their behaviour, but give you more room to create longer passages of content. Your C# code can also check to see how many (if any) nodes can run, which is covered in the Saliency section.

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Yarn Spinnerยฎ and Secret Labยฎ are trade marks of Secret Lab Pty. Ltd., and are used by Yarn Spinner Pty. Ltd. under license.