Yarn Namespace


Contains classes for working with compiled Yarn programs.



Represents a property that belongs to a type and contains a read-only value.

Co-ordinates the execution of Yarn programs.

An exception that is thrown by Dialogue when there is an error in executing a Program .

A type that represents enumerations.

A type that represents a function.

A collection of functions that can be called from Yarn programs.

A simple concrete implementation of IVariableStorage that keeps all variables in memory.

A node of Yarn script, contained within a Program , and containing Yarn.Instruction s.

A compiled Yarn program.

Provides the base class for all concrete types.

Contains the built-in types available in the Yarn language.



Represents the method that is called when the Dialogue delivers a Command .

Represents the method that is called when the dialogue has reached its end, and no more code remains to be run.

Represents the method that is called when the Dialogue delivers a Line .

Represents a method that receives diagnostic messages and error information from a Dialogue .

Represents the method that is called when the Dialogue reaches the end of a node.

Represents the method that is called when the Dialogue begins executing a node.

Represents the method that is called when the Dialogue delivers an OptionSet .

Represents the method that is called when the dialogue anticipates that it will deliver lines.



Represents different kinds of variables that can be fetched from a Dialogue using TryGetValue(string,T) .



Contains methods for parsing raw text into a MarkupParseResult .

Contains methods for evaluating the value of smart variables

Defines properties that describe a type in the Yarn language.

Provides properties used to work with members of a type.

Provides a mechanism for retrieving values.

Provides a mechanism for storing values.

Represents a read-only value in the Yarn Spinner virtual machine.



Contains classes for compiling Yarn code.

Contains classes for working with markup in Yarn lines.

Contains classes for working with Yarn Spinner in the Unity game engine.



A command, sent from the Dialogue to the game.

A line of dialogue, sent from the Dialogue to the game.

A set of Option s, sent from the Dialogue to the game.

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