Class in Yarn.Compiler
Inherits from System.Object
A basic block is a run of instructions inside a Node. Basic blocks group instructions up into segments such that execution only ever begins at the start of a block (that is, a program never jumps into the middle of a block), and execution only ever leaves at the end of a block.
A command that will be executed.
A line of dialogue that should be shown to the player.
A collection of options that should be shown to the player.
An abstract class that represents some content that is shown to the player.
Gets the Node that this block was extracted from.
Adds a new destination to this block, that points to a node.
Adds a new destination to this block that points to a node, with a option's line ID for context.
Adds a new destination to this block, that points to another block.
Adds a new destination to this block that points at any other node in the program.
Get the ancestors of this block - that is, blocks that may run immediately before this block.
Gets all descendants (that is, destinations, and destinations of those destinations, and so on), recursively.
Gets all descendants (that is, destinations, and destinations of those destinations, and so on) that have any player-visible content, recursively.
Gets the destinations of this block - that is, blocks or nodes that may run immediately after this block.
Gets the index of the first instruction of the node that this block is in.
Gets the Instructions that form this block.
Gets the name of the label that this block begins at, or null if this basic block does not begin at a labelled instruction.
Gets a descriptive name for the block.
Gets the name of the node that this block is in.
Gets the collection of player-visible content that will be delivered when this block is run.
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