Class in Yarn.Unity
Inherits from AsyncDialogueViewBase
This class is obsolete and may be removed from a future version of Yarn Spinner: Use AsyncDialogueViewBase.
Implements the Yarn Spinner 2 callback-based API for dialogue views using Yarn Spinner 3.
You should not use this class in new code. It exists to provide a compatibility layer for existing Yarn Spinner dialogue views. New dialogue views should subclass AsyncDialogueViewBase directly.
Represents the method that should be called when this view wants the line to be interrupted.
Called by the DialogueRunner to signal that the dialogue has ended, and no more lines will be delivered.
Called by the DialogueRunner to signal that dialogue has started.
Called by the DialogueRunner to signal that the view should dismiss its current line from display, and clean up.
Called by the DialogueRunner to signal that a line has been interrupted, and that the Dialogue View should finish presenting its line as quickly as possible.
Called by the DialogueRunner to signal that the dialogue has ended, and no more lines will be delivered.
Called by the DialogueRunner to signal that dialogue has started.
Called by the DialogueRunner to signal that a line should be displayed to the user.
Called by the DialogueRunner to signal that a line should be displayed to the user.
Called by the DialogueRunner to signal that a set of options should be displayed to the user.
Called by the DialogueRunner to signal that a set of options should be displayed to the user.
Called by DialogueAdvanceInput to signal that the user has requested that the dialogue advance.
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