
Method in Dialogue


Queries the Dialogue for what content could possibly run if the node group nodeGroup was run.

public IEnumerable<Saliency.ContentSaliencyOption> GetSaliencyOptionsForNodeGroup(string nodeGroup)


This method evaluates all nodes in the given node group, and returns a ContentSaliencyOption object for each node. This object contains the current number of passing and failing 'when' clauses on the node, as well as the complexity score for that node. This is the same information that's passed to a IContentSaliencyStrategy object's QueryBestContent(IEnumerable<ContentSaliencyOption>) method. This method is read-only, and calling it will not modify any variable state.

Note that this method does not filter its output, and may include content options whose FailingConditionValueCount is greater than zero. It's up to the caller of this function to filter out these options if they're not wanted.

This method can be used to see if any content will appear when a given node group is run. If the collection returned by this method is empty, then running this node group will not result in any content. This can be used, for example, to decide whether to show a 'character can be spoken to' indicator. You can also examine the individal ContentSaliencyOption objects to see if any content is available that passes a filter, such as whether content might appear that has a user-defined 'plot critical' tag.



string nodeGroup

The name of the node group to get available content for.


A collection of ContentSaliencyOption objects that may appear if and when the node group nodeGroup is run.

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